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If Chris Riss' music has impacted your life in anyway shape or form then Chris Riss most certainly wants to hear from you! Feel free to call Chris Riss directly on the phone and or email him to personally let him know just how much his music has impacted your life! Chris Riss would absolutely love to hear from you and or meet with you in person!
Photo of Chris Riss at the Chamber Recording Studio with Sound Engineer Rob The Viking of the Legendary Canadian Rap Group Swollen Members

"When sins got a hold and it’s gripping tight yo that pot of gold ain’t worth the price your life forget what you’ve been told about the Holy Christ if He’s not GOD in the flesh then you’ve been sold a lie yo it’s testify time boy just look in my eyes Holy Spirit' inside if don’t see iTthen you’re blind He’s the reason I fly Fall season start to die Winter season reason dies Spring reason season rise I’m just tetrising rhymes that are all truth LORD I make up my mind Christ I follow You I’ve been away from You for too long now I need to make some bigger moves that’ll make my Momma proud but how? I need to die to sin I need a new beginning this life that I’ve been living ain’t leading me to Heaven but in another glare I’m thankful fosho cuz if I didn’t know despair then I would never know hope let’s go!"
(3rd Verse Lyric From the Song Titled "Prodigal" Written and Performed by Chris Riss)

"I’m not here to condemn life’s more than gems treat it like it’s a friend yo I rev the RPM steer with amend keyboards is my pen y’all not messin wit my zen with GOD I spend time and time again I’m making music to influence I don’t play pretend Holy Spirit in my lyrics prodigal came home to parent I cannot bare it so I blare it it lit it is so apparent my heart is tearing now I’m caring colorful and just won’t shut up like I’m a parrot era era wonderful ain’t it? Look what GOD has painted it’s amazing helium I’m rising dealing em I’m buying it’s surprising to some these cats who is sizing me up like a lion but I’m flying out this cage turn the page no denying I’m not lying about all these thangs get on the train this trains a vacating on vacation life’s a battle I am bleeding whatcha needing is not leaving turn to Jesus receive healing sin is kneeling start your praying stop your grieving stop your crying it’s relieving the old me is dying."
(1st Verse Lyric From the Song Titled "End of Me" Written and Performed by Chris Riss)